African Network for Prevention and Protection against Child Neglect (ANPPCAN)-ETHIOPIA
About us
African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect (ANPPCAN)–Ethiopia is a non-religious, non-political and non-partisan national Civil Society Organization working on Child Protection and re-registered with the Agency of Civil Society Organizations with a registration number 0385.

To see a society where children are free from all forms of maltreatment.
To enhance the prevention and protection of children from all forms of maltreatment, in partnership with others, thus ensuring that the rights and wellbeing of children are realized
• Commitment to Needy Children. • Partnership. • Responsiveness. • Caring • Transparency and Accountability. • Respect for People.
Target groups of ANPPCAN-Ethiopia

Primary Targets
Children (children in general, child victims of physical, psychological and sexual and harmful acts, labor exploited children, trafficked children, street children, migrant children, orphans and vulnerable children, children affected by health hazards of child rearing practices and HIV/AIDS and children with disabilities).

- Vulnerable women – female headed households, low income earners
- Parents, teachers, youth, members of women and youth associations, CBOs Kebele/Farmers’ associations, etc

- Care takers (family/guardian) CBOS, Idir members, (Grass root level self help organizations), community opinion leaders, religious leaders, teachers, traditional healers, Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs), etc.
- Volunteers (Members of child right and child parliament clubs and committees, child protection activists, Community Based AIDS Programs, in and out of school girls and youth clubs etc.)
Become a volunteer
Join our team of dedicated volunteers and help protect children from all forms of maltreatment! At ANPPCAN-Ethiopia, our mission is to enhance the prevention and protection of children, in partnership with others, to ensure their rights and wellbeing are realized.

Talk to us
We’re passionate about making a positive impact, and we’d love to partner with you. Get in touch via our website, email, social media, or phone to learn more, volunteer, or support our cause.
Our Partners